
Elasticsearch Kibana CLI #

Search Usage #

Usage: eskbcli search [OPTIONS] [SEARCH_NAME]

  Execute the named search configuration.

  -o, --out TEXT              Filename to write output.  [default: stdout]
  -S, --summary               Generate summary report and output to stderr
                              with the default summary-top count.  
                              [default: False]
  -ST, --summary-top INTEGER  Depth of the top-count summary to produce.
                              [default: 3]
  -s, --splits INTEGER        Number of splits to break search into.
                              [default: 10]
  -np, --no-ping              Do not ping the Kibana endpoint before using the
                              connection.  [default: False]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Example #1 - default #

Search using the example01-query-string definition in the default ~/.eskbcli configuration file

eskbcli search example01-query-string

Example #2 - config file with named search definition #

Use the --config file located at ~/project/eskbcli-foobar.yml and search using the example01-query-string definition

eskbcli -c ~/project/eskbcli-foobar.yml search example01-query-string

Example #3 - config file with single search definition #

Use the --config file located at ~/project/eskbcli-foobar.yml and search using the single search definition within that configuration. NB This only works when there is a single search definition within the configuration file.

eskbcli -c ~/project/eskbcli-foobar.yml search

Example #4 - output filename #

Search using the example01-query-string definition in the default ~/.eskbcli configuration file and --out to filename /tmp/outputfile.json

eskbcli search example01-query-string -o /tmp/outputfile.json

Example #5 - summary report (default depth) #

Search using the example01-query-string definition in the default ~/.eskbcli configuration file and write to STDERR the --summary report.

eskbcli search example01-query-string -S

Example #6 - summary report with report depth 10 #

Search using the example01-query-string definition in the default ~/.eskbcli configuration file and write to STDERR the --summary-top report.

eskbcli search example01-query-string -ST 10

Example #7 - verbose logging #

Provide --verbose logging messages when searching the example01-query-string definition in the default ~/.eskbcli configuration file

eskbcli -v search example01-query-string