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Elasticsearch Kibana CLI

Summary Usage

Usage: eskbcli summary [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  Summary report for search result datafile; use "-" to pipe stdin.

  -t, --top INTEGER  Depth of the top-count summary to produce.  [default: 3]
  -o, --out TEXT     Filename to write output.  [default: stdout]
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Read file

Create a summary report to stdout on a previous search search output-datafile at /tmp/outputfile.json

eskbcli summary /tmp/outputfile.json

Pipe input

Create a summary report to stdout on a search output-datafile /tmp/outputfile.json piped in via stdin using the cat command.

cat /tmp/outputfile.json | eskbcli summary - 

Extended summary report depth

Create a summary report to stdout showing the --top 12x results on a previous search output-datafile /tmp/outputfile.json

eskbcli summary -t 12 /tmp/outputfile.json